A Pathway to Deeper Faith
As followers of Jesus, our mission is to go into all the world and make disciples—here, near, and far. At Cornerstone, we strive to walk alongside individuals as they grow in their faith and relationship with Jesus and His church. Whether you're a newcomer to Christianity or seeking to deepen your faith, we want to equip and support you on your spiritual journey.
Faith Education
Throughout the year we offer faith education and spiritual habits classes geared to individuals at different stages of their spiritual journey. We want to equip you with the fundamental principles of the Christian faith and the spiritual habits that are the essential framework and practices to help you grow in faith and in deeper relationship with Jesus.
Baptism is a precious and sacred moment that followers of Jesus have experienced together for centuries throughout the world. As a church, we are honored to continue the tradition of baptism by immersion for those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and seek to follow Him with their whole lives. We offer this opportunity of baptism multiple times a year for those who have made this decision with a celebratory Baptism and Worship gathering. We also offer classes for those who want to learn more about baptism as documented throughout the biblical texts and those who wish to explore their readiness or prepare to give their life to Christ in this way.
Becoming part of a church family can be life-changing. At Cornerstone, we cherish all of the ways we get to serve and belong to each other. The members of our body can serve more deeply, share their voices in choosing elders and leaders of our church, and step into leadership roles within Cornerstone. It also enriches our relationship with each other to speak into one another’s lives and share what God is doing in and among us. A few times a year, we offer a series of membership classes led by Pastor Fred Provencher and other pastors and elders for those ready to explore membership or simply want to learn more about the church.
Ever wonder what God is calling you to do? God has made each of us with specific Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personalities, and Experiences (our S.H.A.P.E.!) to be used for His glory. We offer a one-night class to help you find your S.H.A.P.E. so you can do the things God made you to do!
We all need someone with more life experience and wisdom to guide us and help us grow. But finding such a person can be a challenge. The Cornerstone Mentoring Program offers a solution by connecting you with a mature follower of Jesus who can build a relationship with you and help you navigate topics such as faith, family, finances, friendship, and profession. If you are interested in learning more about Cornerstone's Mentoring Program, please email us at discipleship@cornerstonenj.org.
Upcoming Classes & Opportunities
If you are interested in learning more about our faith education classes, membership, or baptism,
please email discipleship@cornerstonenj.org.