Generously Serve
a World in Need
We believe that God calls us to generously serve in our world – here, near, and far. We strive to live out this truth in our own church, through local outreach, and by partnering with ministries in the surrounding areas and around the globe. Christ has called us to this place, at this time, to reveal His light and love to those around us. By serving, we allow God to use us for His glory by generously serving a world in need. We believe that God calls us to serve in this world- here, near, & far.

Learn More About Our Local Ministry Partners
Cornerstone partners with ministry partners in and around our community, the surrounding areas, and around the globe.
World Missions
Cornerstone believes that God calls some people into full-time vocational ministry. It is our heart & desire to prayerfully & strategically choose some of those who have received this calling & support them financially, prayerfully, through encouragement & when possible, serving alongside them. As a church, we currently support over 45 different missionaries who serve all over the world, including South America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa & Asia.
Short Term Missions
Are you interested in going on a short-term mission trip? These trips can help you grow in your faith, better understand culture & poverty, & teach you how to share your story in a way that leads others to know & love God.